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International Diabetes Summit (Virtual) -2021

International Diabetes Summit (Virtual) -2021

Novel clusters of diabetes in Indians_ Dr. Anjana R. M.

Novel clusters of diabetes in Indians_ Dr. Anjana R. M.

AGP and Diabetes- Focus on Transition to CSII and type 2 Diabetes Management _ Dr. Roger Mazze

AGP and Diabetes- Focus on Transition to CSII and type 2 Diabetes Management _ Dr. Roger Mazze

Vitamin D testing - a practical primer: case studies_ Dr. Om Lakhani

Vitamin D testing - a practical primer: case studies_ Dr. Om Lakhani

"MODY gene testing: a series of illustrative cases"_ Dr. Ranjit Unnikrishnan

"MODY gene testing: a series of illustrative cases"_ Dr. Ranjit Unnikrishnan

C- Peptide measurements in Paediatric Diabetes: how to interpret. _ Dr. Mohan .T. Shenoy

C- Peptide measurements in Paediatric Diabetes: how to interpret. _ Dr. Mohan .T. Shenoy

Managing a hyperthyroidism right way: focus on right dose and duration of treatment_ Dr. Ameya Joshi

Managing a hyperthyroidism right way: focus on right dose and duration of treatment_ Dr. Ameya Joshi

Sulfonylureas and COVT: Post Carolina Perspective

Sulfonylureas and COVT: Post Carolina Perspective_ Dr. Shreerang Godbole

Categorisation of risk phenotypes in type 2 Diabetes_ Prof. Kamlesh Kunti

Categorisation of risk phenotypes in type 2 Diabetes_ Prof. Kamlesh Kunti

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Diesease (NAFLD) and Diabetes Mellitus _ Dr. Michael Roden

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Diesease (NAFLD) and Diabetes Mellitus _ Dr. Michael Roden

Diabetic foot case presentation_ Dr . Ambrish Bidaye

Diabetic foot case presentation_ Dr . Ambrish Bidaye

"Unusual cases of diabetic foot: case studies - a pictorial CME"_ Dr. Kavitha

"Unusual cases of diabetic foot: case studies - a pictorial CME"_ Dr. Kavitha

Understanding Footwear Diabetes Through Illustrative Images_ Dr. Arun Bal

Understanding Footwear Diabetes Through Illustrative Images_ Dr. Arun Bal

Diabetic Neuropathy: A 2021 Update_ Dr. Michael Roden

Diabetic Neuropathy: A 2021 Update_ Dr. Michael Roden

Place of Metformin as the first line treatment in Type 2 Diabetes _ Dr. Melanie Davies

Place of Metformin as the first line treatment in Type 2 Diabetes _ Dr. Melanie Davies

Hypoglycaemia in the real world Setting_ Prof. Kamlesh Kunti

Hypoglycaemia in the real world Setting_ Prof. Kamlesh Kunti

Obesity Management in Type 2 Diabetes_ Dr. Melanie Davies

Obesity Management in Type 2 Diabetes_ Dr. Melanie Davies

"3 reasons for a basal - rst approach"_ Dr. Ambrish Mithal

"3 reasons for a basal - rst approach"_ Dr. Ambrish Mithal

Twincretin and diabesity Management The future is here_ Dr. Mohan .T. Shenoy

Twincretin and diabesity Management The future is here_ Dr. Mohan .T. Shenoy

Marriage of studies & outcomes with liraglutide Translating mechanisms to CV Benefits Dr. Lars Ryden

Marriage of studies & outcomes with liraglutide Translating mechanisms to CV Benefits Dr. Lars Ryden

Peptide in a pill: Pioneering into a new eraof oral GLP-1 & future outcomes_ Dr. Mikael Ryden

Peptide in a pill: Pioneering into a new eraof oral GLP-1 & future outcomes_ Dr. Mikael Ryden

Low dose SU New relevance during Covid -19_ Dr. Suprathik Bhattacharyya

Low dose SU New relevance during Covid -19_ Dr. Suprathik Bhattacharyya

Pharmacotherapy of Obesity_ Dr. Suganthi

Pharmacotherapy of Obesity_ Dr. Suganthi

Our most challenging Bariatric Surgeries _ Dr. Neeraj Rayate

Our most challenging Bariatric Surgeries _ Dr. Neeraj Rayate

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in type 2 diabetes: an introduction_ Dr. Ritu Basu

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in type 2 diabetes: an introduction_ Dr. Ritu Basu

"Case perspectives with CGM in type 2 diabetes"_ Dr. Ananda Basu

"Case perspectives with CGM in type 2 diabetes"_ Dr. Ananda Basu

Digital Diabetology: Tele- Podiatry and Pregnancy care _ Dr. Monie

Digital Diabetology: Tele- Podiatry and Pregnancy care _ Dr. Monie

Telemedicine in diabetes care : the USA perspective_ Dr. Ananda Basu

Telemedicine in diabetes care : the USA perspective_ Dr. Ananda Basu

NASH: a 2021 clinical update_ Dr. Ritu Basu

NASH: a 2021 clinical update_ Dr. Ritu Basu

"Pathophysiology of diabetic retinopathy"_Dr. Savita

"Pathophysiology of diabetic retinopathy"_Dr. Savita

Diabetic Macular Edema: Update on Current Treatment Approaches in 2021_ Dr. Michael IP

Diabetic Macular Edema: Update on Current Treatment Approaches in 2021_ Dr. Michael IP

"Revisiting the clinical anatomy and physiology of the retina"_ Dr. Padma Paul

"Revisiting the clinical anatomy and physiology of the retina"_ Dr. Padma Paul

* Nuances of performing a fundus examination_ Dr. Mahesh Gopalakrishnan

Nuances of performing a fundus examination_ Dr. Mahesh Gopalakrishnan

Classification & Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy: What a Physician Should know_ Dr. Domalpally

Classification & Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy: What a Physician Should know_ Dr. Domalpally

Advance Imagining in diabetic retinopathy what a physician should know _Dr. Muna

Advance Imagining in diabetic retinopathy what a physician should know _Dr. Muna

"Lasers and photocoagulation in diabetic retinopathy"_ Dr. Rohan Chawla

"Lasers and photocoagulation in diabetic retinopathy"_ Dr. Rohan Chawla

Surgical and non surgical Management of Diabetic Retinopthy _ Dr. Giridhar

Surgical and non surgical Management of Diabetic Retinopthy _ Dr. Giridhar

The challenges to Diabetes with the global COVID-19 Pandemic_ Dr. Andrew Bulton

The challenges to Diabetes with the global COVID-19 Pandemic_ Dr. Andrew Bulton

Real-life case vignettes in pandemic diabetology_ Dr. Abhichandani

Real-life case vignettes in pandemic diabetology_ Dr. Abhichandani

The Diabetic Foot: an Update_ Dr. Andrew Bulton

The Diabetic Foot: an Update_ Dr. Andrew Bulton

"Hypoglycaemia in the context of basal vs premix insulins"_ Dr Krishna Seshadri

"Hypoglycaemia in the context of basal vs premix insulins"_ Dr Krishna Seshadri

IPDM- Connecting the dots for outcone based diabetes management_ Dr. Sanjay Kalra

IPDM- Connecting the dots for outcone based diabetes management_ Dr. Sanjay Kalra

Has Technology Helped Improve Diabetes control in youth with Type 1 Diabetes_ Dr Desmond Schatz

Has Technology Helped Improve Diabetes control in youth with Type 1 Diabetes_ Dr Desmond Schatz

"Is it about ACE or ARB? or about cardio-renal outcome"_ Dr. Sharvil Gadve

"Is it about ACE or ARB? or about cardio-renal outcome"_ Dr. Sharvil Gadve

"Case studies in management of hypothyroidism"_ Dr. Rucha Mehta

"Case studies in management of hypothyroidism"_ Dr. Rucha Mehta

Time in range: a missing link or an alternative to glycemic_ Dr. Manoj Chadha

Time in range: a missing link or an alternative to glycemic_ Dr. Manoj Chadha

Enshuring protien intake in vegetarians with type with type1 diabetes case based eg_Sheryl Salis

Enshuring protien intake in vegetarians with type with type1 diabetes case based eg_Sheryl Salis

Psychosocial aspects and mental health in type 1 diabetes_ Dr. Soumitra Pathare

Psychosocial aspects and mental health in type 1 diabetes_ Dr. Soumitra Pathare

Tips for successful type 1 Diabetes management _ Nupur Lalvani

Tips for successful type 1 Diabetes management _ Nupur Lalvani

Looping_ RJ Megha

Looping_ RJ Megha

"Stem cells for type 1 diabetes: dream vs reality"_ Dr. William Rust

"Stem cells for type 1 diabetes: dream vs reality"_ Dr. William Rust

Sever Hypoglycemia and CV risk: casual or association_ Dr. Ambrish Mithal

Sever Hypoglycemia and CV risk: casual or association_ Dr. Ambrish Mithal

Indentifying Patients at the risk of severe hypoglycaemia_ Jothydev Kesavadev

Indentifying Patients at the risk of severe hypoglycaemia_ Jothydev Kesavadev

"Hands-on hypoglycaemia scoring tool"_ Dr. Manoj Chawla

"Hands-on hypoglycaemia scoring tool"_ Dr. Manoj Chawla

Severe Hypoglycaemia with basal Insulin _ Dr. Binayak Sinha

Severe Hypoglycaemia with basal Insulin

"Insulin@100: Evolution from lletin to lispro and beyond"_ Dr Krishna Seshadri

"Insulin@100: Evolution from lletin to lispro and beyond"_ Dr Krishna Seshadri

"Insulin initiation & intensi cation/ balancing convenience with e cacy"_Dr. K. K. Gangopadhyay

"Insulin initiation & intensi cation/ balancing convenience with e cacy"_Dr. K. K. Gangopadhyay

Insulin for In -Hospital hyperglycemia management_ Dr. Mala Dharmalingam

Insulin for In -Hospital hyperglycemia management_ Dr. Mala Dharmalingam

Glucagon-like peptide 1Receptor Agonists Cardio-protective Effect An Umbrella Review Dr. Anant Nigam

Glucagon-like peptide 1Receptor Agonists Cardio-protective Effect An Umbrella Review Dr. Anant Nigam

Novel therapies for Atherosclerosis_ Dr. Kaushik Ray

Novel therapies for Atherosclerosis_ Dr. Kaushik Ray

Anti-In flammatory therapies in Secondary prevention of CVD: are we there yet_ Dr. Kaushik Ray

Anti-In flammatory therapies in Secondary prevention of CVD: are we there yet_ Dr. Kaushik Ray

Hypertriglyceridemai and CV risk: Case based perpective _ Dr. Vinay Simha

Hypertriglyceridemai and CV risk: Case based perpective _ Dr. Vinay Simha

Diabetes in adrenal disease: case studies_Dr. Pankaj Shah

Diabetes in adrenal disease: case studies_Dr. Pankaj Shah

Expanding resume of dapagliflozin in the management of chronic Kidney Disease_Dr. Shreerang Godbole

Expanding resume of dapagliflozin in the management of chronic Kidney Disease_Dr. Shreerang Godbole

"Positioning dapagli ozin as an integral part of HF management "_Dr .Tiny

"Positioning dapagli ozin as an integral part of HF management "_Dr .Tiny

Treatment Intensification In managing Diabetes Focus on Combination Therapy_Dr. Peter Lin

Treatment Intensification In managing Diabetes Focus on Combination Therapy_Dr. Peter Lin

Multiple Subcutaneousinjection in Type 1 Diabetes : Case Studies _Dr. Desmond Schatz

Multiple Subcutaneousinjection in Type 1 Diabetes : Case Studies _Dr. Desmond Schatz



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