Of the several complications of diabetes, diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is an important one, occurring in 20-40% of patients with diabetes, yet which remains the most important cause of end stage renal disease.
DKD develops in half of the patients with type 2 diabetes and one-third of the patients with type 1 diabetes during their lifetime.
Globally, half of people with type 2 diabetes present with evidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD).
There is enough evidence to show the need for improved DKD prevention and management. It is seen that improved glucose control through anti-diabetes therapy has a favorable impact on CKD. Several new drugs offer increased pharmacotherapeutic options in CKD management.
Primary care physicians (PCPs) can play a crucial role in the prevention and management of CKD through better care of the patients with diabetes. However, there are various impediments in providing the best possible care, one of which is the lack of adequate training of physicians.
Considering the crucial role of PCPs in the prevention and management of CDK, particularly in patients with diabetes, Chellaram Diabetes Institute (CDI) has developed an online course – “Certificate Course in Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in Diabetes Care (CKDDC)”.
This course has been divided into six modules, which are presented both in video format as well as interactive format for easy learning. There are case studies, instructive videos and activities interspersed in the modules. These, along with the interactive features, combine to provide an enhanced learning experience for the participants.
The course modules are titled as follows:
- An Introduction to Diabetes Mellitus
- Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD): Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
- Diagnosis and Staging of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Diabetes
- Glucose Control and Anti-Diabetes Therapy: Impact on CKD
- Specific Drugs for Reno-Protection in Diabetes
- Brief Overview of Holistic DKD Management
The course evaluation includes a pre-test before the commencement of each module, a post-test after the completion of the module, and an exit-exam at the end of the course.
The participant will need to complete all the course modules and clear the exit exam in order to obtain the Course Completion Certificate, which will be generated online.
The online medium offers accessibility across laptop/desktop and mobile platforms, and provides flexibility to the participant to learn at their own convenient pace.